当前位置:首页> 足球> 足球规则用英语说


  • 傅倩发傅倩发
  • 足球
  • 2024-12-09 14:15:01
  • 220



1. 越位规则:当一名球员传球时,如果他的队友处在越位区域并且从中获得机会射门,则视为越位。进攻球员需回至非越位区域或球触及另一方球员后,方可继续比赛。
  2. 比赛时间和节数:足球比赛通常为上下两个半场,每个半场时长45分钟,两半场之间有15分钟的中场休息时间。
  3. 比赛开始和结束:比赛开始由裁判员鸣哨,结束于裁判员判定进球或比赛结束。


1. 犯规与处罚:任何球员在比赛中出现犯规行为,如阻挡其他球员跑动、阻挡球门等,都将受到警告或处罚。处罚分为黄牌和红牌,黄牌表示警告,红牌表示罚出场外。
  2. 球门球:当一方球员将球踢出底线时,另一方球员需在对方球门区内守候,由出界的球员进行发球门球。
  3. 任意球:当球员在对方球员受到阻挡时或触碰了非正规范围内的人员时,会被判罚任意球。任意球又分为直接任意球和间接任意球。
  4. 角球:当一方球员将球踢入对方半场并触及场地边缘时,产生角球。角球由进攻方球员在角球区进行发球。
  5. 界外球:当球飞出球场边界时,需由另一方球员在界外将球重新投入比赛场地。


1. 球场设施问题:如球场设施出现故障或安全问题,裁判员有权暂停或终止比赛。
  2. 天气问题:如因天气原因导致比赛无法正常进行,裁判员需根据实际情况决定是否暂停或终止比赛。
  3. 比赛中断与恢复:当比赛中出现特殊情况需要中断时,裁判员会鸣哨示意暂停。一旦情况得到解决,裁判员会再次鸣哨恢复比赛。


1. Offside rule: A player is offside if he is in an offside position when the ball is played by a teammate and he gains an advantage from that position. The player must return to a non-offside position or play another player before the ball can continue.
  2. Game duration and sections: A football match usually consists of two halves, each half lasting 45 minutes. There is a 15-minute break between the halves.
  3. Start and end of the game: The game starts with a whistle from the referee and ends when the referee judges a goal or the end of the game.
  4. Foul and punishment: Any player who commits a foul in the game, such as blocking other players'' movement or blocking the goal, will be punished with a warning or punishment. Punishments are divided into yellow cards and red cards, yellow for warning and red for leaving the field.
  5. Goal kicks, free kicks, corner kicks, and throw-ins: Different rules apply to these special situations, with the appropriate kick or throw-in initiated by the player from the appropriate area of the field.
