分割结构是英语表达中经常出现的一种句法,其作用是保持句子平衡,避免头重脚轻或为了语义严密,结构紧凑,将语法关系密切的两个句子成分(如主语和谓语)用其他句子成分分隔开来。英语的分隔必须遵循两点:①尾重原则,即把长而复杂的成分放在句末;②句尾信息焦点原则,即把新信息、语义重点放在句尾。 例1In the Middle Ages widespread use was made of arguments from analogy, o n the belief that the universe formed an ordered structure that the macrocosmic pattern of the whole is reproduced in the microcosmic pattern of parts so that it ispossible to draw inferences by analogy from one to the other. 分析:虽然这个句子比较长,但我们首先要挑出此句的主、谓、宾。这句话的谓语非常短,只有两个词:was made