
2023-03-21 10:06

SELECT '常数' as Alias FROM tbTest

SELECT123 as Alias FROM tbTest

SELECT '常数' as Alias FROM tbTest
在ORACLE中,'常数'表示列名,字符串应该用' '

select 123,'123','旺仔','qmf' haha,p.fname,p.fcell,po.fkorgid,o.flongnumber,o.FDISPLAYNAME from t_hr_personposition pp
inner join t_hr_person p on pp.fkpersonid=p.fid
inner join t_hr_position po on pp.fkpositionid=po.fid
inner join t_hr_org o on po.fkorgid=o.fid
where po.fname='经纪人'
and o.fname='城市主场一分店'
and pp.fisprimary=1
and p.fpoststatus='ON_GUARD'