
2023-04-23 18:23

What i dream about is to become 来自a skillful doctor,for which i will work hard for many ***.As is known to all,good doctors can cure their patients of their painful ***.To im某prove my skills ,i should learn mor雷排特实助剧侵e knowledges and equip myself with a strong-will heart .Aiso,i will encourge myself to become more brave and persistent when facing troubles华随范围是切.All in all , i will try my 夜法味片best to achiev搞沉e the goal of make more and more people live heal独决thier lives and enjoy the colorfu食欢式了l world! Never for距凯乱境苦get my dream ! that is my answer ,thank you! 打了这么多排至零模急味,希望对你有帮助!